Generalvikar Pater Michael Maß CMM gab folgende freudige Nachricht bekannt: „Mit großer Freude und Dankbarkeit gegenüber Gott teilen wir Euch die Ernennung unseres Generaloberen, Pater Thulani Victor Mbuyisa CMM, zum Bischof von Kokstad, Südafrika, mit. Der Heilige Vater hat diese Ernennung heute, am 6. April 2022 um 12:00 Uhr römischer Zeit bekannt gegeben.
Mit dieser Ankündigung des Apostolischen Stuhls sind die Bestimmungen unserer Konstitutionen Nummer 485 in Kraft getreten. Wir werden Euch über die Entwicklungen entsprechend dieser Bestimmungen informieren.
Wir bitten Euch, für den neu ernannten Bischof und sein künftiges Amt sowie für die Menschen in der Diözese Kokstad zu beten. Wir danken ihm von ganzem Herzen für seinen Dienst in der Kongregation in der Generalleitung in den vergangenen zwölf Jahren und für die anderen Dienste, die er zuvor ausgeübt hat.
Wir vertrauen Msgr. Thulani Mbuyisa CMM in seinem neuen Amt weiterhin der Fürsprache und dem Schutz unserer Mutter und Patronin, der Jungfrau Maria, des seligen Pater Engelmar, unseres Bruders, und des Dieners Gottes Abt Franz, unseres Vaters, an.“
Lebenslauf von Msgr. Thulani Mbuyisa CMM (English)
Date and place of birth: 13 February 1973, iXobho, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Born to Nomathemba Teresa Mbuyisa (Née Mkhize) and to the late Themba Beatus Siphiwe Mbuyisa, both of Mariathal – eXobho, as second of four children.
Postulancy: 1992 at Mariathal
Novitiate: 1993 at Mariannhill Monastery
First Profession: 02 February 1994 and perpetually professed on 02 February 1997.
Ordination: Ordained Deacon at St Joseph’s Cathedral – Mariannhill by the late Most Reverend Paul Themba Mngoma, Bishop of Mariannhill, on 05 June 1999.
Ordained Priest at Mariannhill Monastery by the late Most Reverend Paul Themba Mngoma, Bishop of Mariannhill, on 04 March 2000.
1979-1985: Mariathal Primary School, eXobho.
1986-1991: Nokweja High School, eXobho.
1996: Bachelor of Philosophy (B. Phil) – St. Joseph’s Theological Institute in South Africa, affiliated to Urbaniana University, Rome
1999: Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) – St Joseph’s Theological Institute in South Africa, affiliated to Urbaniana University, Rome
2002-2004: Licentiate and Master’s degrees in Canon Law – St. Paul University and Ottawa University (respectively), Ottawa, Canada
04 March 2000: Ordained priest for the Congregation of the Missionaries of Mariannhill, Mariannhill Province in South Africa. Ordained by the late Most Reverend Bishop Paul Themba Mngoma, the then Bishop of Mariannhill Diocese.
2000-2001: Appointed Assistant parish priest at St Michael’s Parish in the Diocese of Mariannhill.
2001-2002 and 2005-2007: Chaplain to Catholic university students at Mangosuthu Technikon College, Umlazi Township
2001-2002 and again in 2004-2007 – Assistant Director of Novices at Mariannhill Monastery
2007: Transferred to the East Africa Region (Kenya).
2008-2010: Formator and Superior of the House of Formation in Nairobi, Kenya
02 February 2010: Appointed Regional Superior for East Africa Region
October 2010: Elected General Councillor at the 15th General Chapter in Rome
27 December 2012: Appointed Vicar General and Procurator General
08 October 2016: Elected Superior General of the Congregation of the Missionaries of Mariannhill at its 16th General Chapter in Rome.
2005-2007: Lecturer in Canon Law at St. Joseph’s Theological Institute in South Africa
2005-2007: Judge of First and Second Instances for the Durban Interdiocesan Tribunal
2006-2007: Associate Judicial Vicar for the Durban Interdiocesan Tribunal, South Africa
2008-2010: Visiting Lecturer in Canon Law at Hekima College, a Jesuit College in Nairobi, Kenya
2008-2010: Consultor to the Metropolitan Tribunal of Nairobi in Kenya